Suikoden 2 3 Rune Slots

1) Riou is the name of the main protagonist of Suikoden II based from its novelization. However, the manga adaptation of the game named him Tao.
2) In case you didn't notice, the uniforms of the Allied Army closely resemble the outfit of their leader, Riou.

She is also one of the characters that has 3 free rune slots to tweak with. Lady of Black Magic: A feminine and mature Femme Fatale who is quite the powerful mage. Parental Substitute: To Eilie, after their parents were killed by bandits, and also to Bolgan. Romani: Her look. Tarot Motifs: She hurls tarot cards in combat. Rune slot is where you can equip the Rune you got or buy. Characters can Equip the Rune in their Right Hand, Left Hand and Head. Average Magician can gain 3 Rune Slot. While Average Fighters can gain 2. Rune Slot Guide Suikoden 2, swarovski slot machine, ultimate roulette bet, detroit casino restaurant reviews We use cookies as set out in our privacy policy. By clicking on this pop up, you agree to our policies. Can someone let me know where that list is or characters that have 3 rune slots at what level? Legendary Games - Suikoden 1,2,Final Fantasy6,7,8, DanceDanceRevolution, TalesofDestiny2, StarOcean 2. Essentially characters can hold up to three rune slots: left hand, right hand, and forehead. Only a handful of characters can hold up to three runes, however. Most characters can hold up to two.

Suikoden 3 attack rune3) Riou and Tir Mcdohl's Double Leader Attack is almost identical from the Master-Pupil Attack from Suikoden I. The latter is a cooperative attack by Tir and his martial arts instructor, Kai.
4) Most players believe that there are only two possible endings in Suikoden II. Actually, there is another one but it can only be triggered during the events in Tinto City. Unfortunately, it's another bad ending.
5) The Friendship Rune is a perfect item to be embedded on Riou's tonfas. It gives additional +1 to ATT for every two Stars of Destiny recruited.
6) What's the best way to evade Luca's fatal attacks? Use the Fire Sealing Rune to be completely impervious from his fiery damage.
7) Camus was probably named after Albert Camus. A renowned French author, journalist, philosopher and recipient of 1957's Nobel Prize for Literature.
8) Before jumping off the cliff early in the game, try to defeat the Highland soldiers 108 times to trigger some minor twist shortly after. This will change the intro from sepia into full colored scenes.
Rune9) Sheena's sword Kirinji is President Lepant's most treasured heirloom. It is a curved sword in Suikoden I but was changed into a rapier in Suikoden II.
10) The Earth Rune embedded on Sheena's hand and the Star Earrings on his accessory are probably mementos from his mother, Eileen.
11) The painting hanging on Tir's room at McDohl's Mansion is a portrait of his deceased best friend, Ted.
12) Surprisingly, Sheena had a Lightning Rune permanently attached on his hand in Suikoden I, but was replaced by an Earth Rune in Suikoden II.
13) Despite the fact that he is no warrior but a strategist, yet Shu holds the strongest stats among the war units in the battlefield. His special abilities includes Evade and Critical with +3 ATT and +1 DEF.
14) It's rare to get Leon's defeat quotes in the battlefield and it requires a lot of luck. Neverthless, it is quite achievable when you use characters with powerful abilities like those of Tsai's Fire Spear.
15) If you missed to recruit Mukumuku in Kyaro Town you can still get him by walking to and fro in the path at Muse-Greenhill border. You just need to have at least one free slot in your current party though.
16) The name Mukumuku literally means 'plump, soft or chubby' in Japanese.
17) Bright and Chuchara are the youngest members of the Allied Army at the age of 1.
18) Mukumuku is the youngest among the 108 Stars of Destiny at the age of 5.
19) All of the 5 Flying Squirrels share the same age.
20) It is interesting to note that each of the Flying Squirrels has affinity to only one type of elemental rune. For example, Mikumiku can only equip the Wind Rune while Makumaku can only equip the Water Rune.
21) Nanami is one of the most agile character in the game. She always makes the first move in battles due to her outstanding speed. Thus, Spark Rune which enables all allies to make the preemptive attack after the wielder is highly recommended for her.

Suikoden 4 Runes

22) If you missed to recruit Nanami in Kyaro Town she will eventually join the party outside Muse City.
23) If observed carefully, the character designs between Genkaku and Jowy Atreides has striking resemblance. Han Cunnningham, on the other hand, has striking resemblance to Riou.
24) The Cup of Promise accessory for Rikimaru and Amada has a chance to inflict Knockdown on enemies when unleashing the Manly Attack.
25) The tragic past of Rikimaru, his voracious appetite and manly demeanor are strikingly similar to Wan Fu in Suikoden III.Suikoden
26) According to Richmond's primary investigation, Amada is from the Island Republic. This is a reference to the Island Nations, an archipelago just south of Toran Republic. It is also where the whole event in Suikoden IV took place.
27) In one of his battle quotes, Amada boasted that he has the strength of 100 men in battles. Oddly enough, this claim is also quoted by both Gantetsu and Chaco.
28) Amada and Tai Ho are true-blooded seadogs and the only navy captains in the Allied Army.
29) Contrary to popular belief, Tai Ho and Yam Koo are not brothers-in-law as mentioned in Richmond's investigation. They are actually what others simply called as oath-brothers. Suikoden 3 champions rune
30) In Suikoden I, Yam Koo is one of the game's playable characters. He and Tai Ho can perform a unite called the Fisherman Attack.
31) Many Suikoden fans wondered what happened to Culgan and Seed after they lost the fight in L' Renouille. Unfortunately, they died on that fateful day together with the Highland general, Han Cunningham.
32) Yuber, Lucia, Rowd, Leon Silverburg and Jillia Blight are the prominent Highland officials who survived the crushing defeat of Highland Kingdom over the Allied Army.
Suikoden 2 3 Rune Slots33) Kage is a ninja commissioned by the Highland Kingdom to aid Jowy in assassinating Anabelle and infiltrating Muse City. He is one of the 108 Stars of Destiny in the Liberation Army during the events in Suikoden I.

Suikoden 2 is widely regarded, alongside Xenogears, as the best RPG of all time, so you’re going to want to play it, and you’re going to want to get the best characters. It’s based on a classic Chinese novel called the Legend of the Water Margin which is about a ragtag group of people who come together to overthrow an empire. Suikoden 2 has an incredible story about two best friends on opposing sides of a war. It also features 108 different characters to collect, about half of whom can be used in battle. So who are the best characters? Let’s take a look.

First, the thing to understand is that the most important thing for each character is the number of rune slots they unlock. This is because combining Fury (2x damage buff), Double Beat (attack twice) and Double Strike (1.5 damage given and received) all stack, making your character stupidly overpowered. Add in a Rage/Thunder weapon rune (1.5x damage) and… well, you’re reaching unnecessary levels of busted. It’s not a hard game — throw a Fury and a Double Beat rune on anyone and they’ll faceroll the entire game, but nevertheless, here are the best characters.

Killey is flat out the best character. 3 open rune slots, no locked equipment, and an open rune slot on his weapon. Give him the rune combo described above + a Rage or Thunder rune on his weapon and 3x Fire Emblems and watch him kill the final boss in one hit.

Sheena is the second best character, almost tied with Killey. The only difference is that he’s stuck with a Star Earring in his accessory slot which makes him slightly weaker physically. The difference is miniscule. Sheena, also, will kill the final boss in one hit just fine.

Rina, Sid and Chaco are in a 3 way tie for the next best three characters, for all of the same reasons.

Kahn is almost there, but since he has a Magic Drain rune stuck on his weapon, he can’t quite get there.

In practicality, collecting all these runes is very time consuming, and so there is some value to characters who are great to just plug and play, have an awesome magic rune, or those who you can toss a Fury/Double Beat rune on and be good. These notable mentions are:

Riou (the hero): His magic rune is probably better for a 3rd slot rune than a Double Strike rune. He’s the best healer in the game, in addition to being broken statwise.

McDohl: The main character of Suikoden 1, who you get for importing your data. Similar to the hero, he has a pretty busted magic rune that, while nowhere near as powerful as a single attack from a totally decked out Killey or Sheena, wrecks.

Viktor: Has only two open rune slots, but has the best weapon and an insanely high strength growth. His potential isn’t as high as Killey or Sheena, but he reaches his potential much more easily and it’s definitely enough to blast through the game with.

Suikoden 2 Rune Guide

Nanami: You have to use her for most of the game, but then she’s unavailable at the end, which is… disappointing, from a party-planning perspective. The thing about Nanami is she’s the fastest character, and there’s a rune called a Spark rune, which gives your whole party her speed. So, even though she only has two rune slots, giving her a Fury rune and a Spark rune makes her a strong enough character who provides unique utility.

Suikoden 3 Champions Rune

That about does it for the best characters in Suikoden 2. Be sure to check out the Games Section for more guides like this, and be sure to check out the Suikoden section for more articles about Suikoden 2 and other games from the series.